Week 1, Term 3
From the Principal
Welcome back to Term 3! I hope you all had a relaxing break over the holidays and are now ready for another term full of learning. I am very excited to lead the school for the next six months and look forward to supporting our students and families while I am in this new role. We also welcome Mr Matthew Knight in the role of Acting APRE. Matthew comes to us from Southern Cross Catholic College and we look forward to working with him for the remainder of the year.
This week we have hit the ground running with a number of important events. We have celebrated NAIDOC week through a number of activities. On Wednesday, our staff participated in a Walk on Country at Queen's Beach, led by our Indigenous Education Advisor, Tammi Webber, and our Adopt-a-Ranger, Uncle Jim Gaston. Tammi and Uncle Jim provided valuable spiritual formation and professional development in the area of cultural competency for our teachers. Topics included the special relationship the traditional owners had with fire and the effects of colonisation on the local Indigenous peoples.
Tammi and Uncle Jim then returned to St Mary's on Thursday for our annual NAIDOC Day celebrations, where we were joined by the staff and students of St John Bosco's (Collinsville) and St Colman's (Home Hill). We began the day with a liturgy in the Undercover Area and then split the students into groups to complete rotations of activities that provided links to Aboriginal and Torrest Strait Islander culture. The Year 5 and 6 students were also given the opportunity to attend an Arts Council performance about the Peter Craigie story at Bowen State School. Many thanks to Kristy Sylvester, Tammi Webber, Uncle Jim Gaston, Sharyn Bell, Damien Sylvester, Graham Muir, Rosa Jauco, Juru Enterprises and the local Elders, who all contributed to the planning and execution of a successful day.
We have also been very blessed today to welcome our new Pre-Prep cohort. It is so lovely to see their excited little faces as they finally get to come to "big school"! Thank you to Miss Lindy, Miss Alana and Miss Tanya for the time and effort you all went to in making the first day of the transition to Pre-Prep such a success.
I will be away from school next week as I am accompanying the Year 5 and 6 choir, strings and guitar students at Mulkadee in Townsville. I look forward to seeing you all when I return.
Alicia Ninnes
Religious Life of the School
Hi everyone, My name is Matthew Knight and I'm St Mary's Acting APRE for Semester 2.
My role will see me teaching Italian, but also working closely with the Year 6 leaders and classroom teachers on various projects with a focus on Pastoral Care and Religion. I began my teaching career in 2007, the year Prep officially started in Queensland. It was an interesting time to come into education, amidst big changes to curriculum and funding models. Before arriving in Townsville late 2012, I’d spent time teaching in Mackay, Brisbane and the United Kingdom.
A little bit about me :
In my spare time I try to keep fit through sport, and anything outdoors. I also coach a lot of junior sports and play hockey. The highlight of my year so far was abseiling off Queensland Country Bank Stadium. 1372 participants set a world record and raised money for the 'Brighter Lives' charity. I think it’s important to step out of one’s comfort zone, and this in turn inspires others to do the same. I'm really looking forward to being a part of the St Mary's community, and continuing the great partnership between the school and the wider community. Through my new role I hope to embrace the St Mary's 'Mercy' charism. Like Catherine McAuley who founded the Sisters of Mercy, we can live out the Gospel values in our interactions with each other. A strong faith in God is central to our understanding of ourselves, and other people. Hope to see you at church if you can make it along sometime.
From the Guidance Counsellor
A SPECIAL REPORT: Building Resilience Post Pandemic
Unfortunately, the mental health of young people has been significantly impacted by the pandemic. As many families settle back into pre-COVID routines, there seems to be a pervasive sense of optimism about what lies ahead.
Unfortunately, children and teens are not immune to what is now being termed the “psychological pandemic”. Young people are at risk of not achieving the primary demands of developmental tasks such as procuring independence, identity formation, as well as obtaining and maintaining peer relationships. What kids need most in the current environment is support, understanding, empathy and encouragement from caring adults. They live up or down to the expectations we set for them.
If there is a panacea to the adversity caused by the pandemic, then it is the building of resilience. Resilience is the capacity to face, overcome, be strengthened and transformed by adversity. Never before, have parents needed the skills, the knowledge and the strategies to build resilience in their children as much as they do now. There are 7 integral and interrelated components that make up being resilient that can help young people thrive and develop healthy coping strategies.
This Special Report explores the “7 C’s of Resilience” and includes suggested strategies on how adult carers can best facilitate them.
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.
If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to your special report:
Pre Prep program
The Pre-Prep Program this year will be coordinated by Mrs. Alana Browning, Ms. Lindy Anderson, and Mrs. Tanya Dederer who all have extensive experience working in the Early Years. The program will operate each Friday, (8:45 am - 2:45 pm) for the duration of Terms 3 and 4, commencing on Friday 15 July and concluding on Friday 25 November 2022 (Week 8 Term 4). There will be a small fee of $10 per week to cover the cost of resources and consumables.
This Week's Award Winners
Praise Note Winner of the Week: Caleb Brockbank.
Star Reader : Bela Puri
Amy Das 5 July
Makayla Kelly - 7 July
Matthew Pugh - 8 July
Joseph Beath - 8 July
Ahkeem Byers - 8 July
Sophia Honnery - 14 July
Daniel Szollos - 15 July
School Photo - Update
We are pleased to advise that Queensland School Photography have informed us that our school photos should arrive within the next 2 weeks.
Thank you for your patience due to the unexpected delays due to COVID.
Stop Drop Go - Reminder
Just a friendly reminder
All parents/caregivers please ensure when using Stop Drop Go that the laminated sign with your child’s surname is displayed.
This sign MUST be displayed on the visor (front left hand side) of your car.If you require a replacement sign please let me know and I will arrange for a new one.
Our main priority at our school is to keep all children safe. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Tuckshop and Lunchboxes
A reminder that Nude Food Fridays continue this term. We are encouraging students to minimize single-use plastic on Fridays to protect our oceans. Use those reusable containers as much as you can! Our Containers 4 Change program is still going so please remember to put your poppers, plastic bottles, and other suitable containers in the blue bins. All money raised through the Pilchers Containers program will be donated to the EcoBarge Volunteer and Turtle Rehabilitation program in the Whitsundays
Mary Mackillop OSHC
OSHC at St Mary’s Catholic School is now operating Monday to Friday from 6.30 am to 8.30 am and 2.45 pm to 6.00 pm.
If you would like more information or to register, please contact Miss Rob on 0428 216 062 OR at bowenoshc@mmcnq.catholic.edu.au
Marshmallow construction at OSHC. Fun and Yum