Week 2 Term 3
From the Principal
This week the staff were introduced to our new Social-Emotional Framework, to support our Annual School Improvement Plan goal of a Climate Conducive to Learning. The Social-Emotional Framework recognises that our students each have a different motivation for engaging in learning, behaving positively, and performing academically.
Social and emotional learning (SEL) provides a foundation for safe and positive learning, and enhances students' ability to succeed in school, careers, and life. Research shows that SEL not only improves achievement by an average of 11 percentile points, but also increases prosocial behaviours (such as kindness, sharing, and empathy), improves student attitudes toward school, and reduces depression and stress among students (Durlak et al., 2011).
At the classroom level, SEL is fostered through positive student-teacher interactions, with teachers serving as role models for students in terms of social-emotional skills. In addition to daily interactions, the students will now be engaged in Program Achieve, also known as You Can Do It. Program Achieve involves teachers delivering explicit lessons that teach social and emotional skills, then finding opportunities for students to reinforce their use throughout the day. Circle Time, which has already been occuring in each class, will provide a format for the delivery of the Program Achieve lessons, and the Zones of Regulation can support the lessons through the use of a common language throughout the school.
It is our hope that, with support in learning to recognise their emotions and how to manage them, students will avoid "thumbs-down" behaviours that are reactions to negative feelings, such as frustration and anger.
Alicia Ninnes
Religious Life of the School
Last week we celebrated NAIDOC week. An important week where we reflect on the importance of the first Australians. Staff attended a 'Walk on Country' with our indigenous advisor Tammi Webber and St Mary's adopt a ranger Uncle Jim Gaston. It is through shared experiences such as these that we can truly gain an understanding of the adversity faced by indigenous people during European settlement. Thank you for sharing your personal stories with us, and allowing us to be part of the journey forward.
Today's Gospel reading comes from John. His Gospel focuses mainly on our life in Jesus, whereas the other Gospel writers (Matthew, Mark and Luke) have a large emphasis on God and the Kingdom of Heaven. John 14:6 states "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." The word 'life' appears twice as often in John's Gospel as it does the other writers. Therefore we could conclude that John was more focused on a life with Christ, and living out the Gospel values.
On the 31st July we would like to extend an invitation to all grandparents - please join us for 8:00 am Mass. Our St Mary's students are working on a small token of their appreciation for the wonderful role grandparents play in their lives. Morning tea will be provided at the conclusion of Mass. Everyone is more than welcome to attend.
Last Thursday we welcomed St Coleman's Home Hill, and St John Bosco Collinsville to our NAIDOC celebrations. We started with Fr Sibi leading us in a liturgy, before taking part in many fun activities relating to indigenous culture. BIG THANK YOU to Mrs Ninnes, Mrs Sylvester, Mrs Webber, Uncle Jim and the Juru dancers! Many hours of planning and preparation goes into an event such as this! We will continue this year's NAIDOC theme, 'Get Up, Stand Up, and Show Up' as we walk and learn from each other. In case parents were wondering - the cake was delicious!
From the Guidance Counsellor
In this edition of SchoolTV - MANAGING SCREEN TIME
As a result of the global pandemic, there has been a noticeable shift in the amount of
time people spend on screen-based devices. Families are transitioning back to pre-
COVID routines but many are still struggling to re-establish the boundaries and rules
around screen use. Some continue to deal with digital conflict and tech-tantrums on
a daily basis. The latest research found that 77% of teenagers spend more than five
hours on screens per day, but it is important to note that not all screen time is
considered equal.
Parents play a crucial role in modelling a positive and healthy approach to using
screens and assisting children to navigate the content they watch. It is better to
model and mentor screen use, rather than monitor it. Children tend to do more of
what they see us do, and less of what we tell them to do. However, it is still important
to outline the risks and highlight the benefits of screen use to ensure you keep a
balanced attitude. Encourage discussions around the issues that people experience
in monitoring their screen time and be honest about your own difficulties.
Parents need to remain firm in their approach to managing screen time. Excessive
screen time can be detrimental to a child’s overall wellbeing. Ensuring the correct
privacy settings are in place is vital to prevent children from being inadvertently
exposed to inappropriate content or online predators. Parents need to also be
mindful of the potential impact screen time can have on a child’s social, emotional,
educational, behavioural, and even physical domains.
In this edition of SchoolTV, care-givers will be provided with a range of guidelines
and strategies to help manage screen time at home. We hope you take time to
reflect on the information offered in this edition of SchoolTV and we always welcome
your feedback. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the school
guidance counsellor for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to the Managing Screen Time edition of SchoolTV
This Week's Award Winners
On Monday, our weekly awards were presented to students following Mary's Way by showing "C" Compassion and Care.
Mary's Way Award Winners: Xander Gomersall, Knite Land, Tate Buckley, Sophia Nicholls, Mateo Waite, Petelo Ngauamo, Darragh Gentle.
Praise Note Winner of the Week: Aubrey Cunningham.
Star Reader: Abigail Wood.
Mulkadee is an annual performing arts event for students in Catholic primary and secondary schools in the Townsville Diocese.
The program offers students the opportunity to workshop with experienced professionals in various arts domains, including choral, band, strings, dance, guitar and drama.
This week our students have been involved in workshops at the Townsville Entertainment Centre each day and the program will culminate with a performance tonight. The theme for this year's Mulkadee is Into the Unknown. The majority of our students tthis year participated in the Choir, while three of our students participated in instrumental groups: two were in the String ensemble and one was in the Guitar ensemble.
The students stayed in the Youth With a Mission campus, which was close to the Entertainment Centre, with students from Proserpine, Collinsville, Charters Towers, Cloncurry, Mount Isa, Hughenden and Winton. Many new friendships were formed, while some from last year were rekindled and strengthened. It was lovely to see how well our students bonded with the students from St John Bosco's, who we adopted as part of our St Mary's group, and St Catherine's, who attended some activities with us. In the evenings, the students went to the cinema, to Kingpin bowling and laser tag, and went late night shopping at Stockland.
The students had an absolute blast and we look forward to next year's Mulkadee!
Please follow the link below to view the official daily Facebook updates from the week. Our students feature quite a lot!
Mulkadee Gallery
Pupil Free Day - Friday 2 September 2022
Friday 2 September 2022 is a Student Free day.
Please note : This will include our Pre Prep Program. Pre Prep will resume on the 9th September.
Pre Prep program
A huge welcome to our Pre-Prep students !
Day one of our Pre Prep program started last Friday and It's clear to see they all enjoyed themselves getting to know each other, playing in the playground and visiting the classrooms.
We look forward to welcoming you all back on Friday from Miss Lindy, Miss Alana and Miss Tanya.
Enjoy our gallery of pictures taken from Day 1.
Pre Prep - First Day
Upcoming Birthdays !
Blake Williams - 27 July
Click the below link for a special Happy Birthday Song.
Tuckshop and Lunchboxes
A reminder that Nude Food Fridays continue this term. We are encouraging students to minimize single-use plastic on Fridays to protect our oceans. Use those reusable containers as much as you can! Our Containers 4 Change program is still going so please remember to put your poppers, plastic bottles, and other suitable containers in the blue bins. All money raised through the Pilchers Containers program will be donated to the EcoBarge Volunteer and Turtle Rehabilitation program in the Whitsundays
Tuckshop - TERM 3
Please be advised our Tuckshop days have recently changed from Mondays and Wednesdays to Wednesdays and Fridays.
Mary Mackillop OSHC
OSHC at St Mary’s Catholic School is now operating Monday to Friday from 6.30 am to 8.30 am and 2.45 pm to 6.00 pm.
If you would like more information or to register, please contact Miss Rob on 0428 216 062 OR at bowenoshc@mmcnq.catholic.edu.au
Let's go lego !!!!!